Friday, February 27, 2009

Bailout Bailout Bailout

I've been looking around the web, talking to people all over the United States, and realized something (yeah yeah.. Captain Obvious)... No one wanted these bailouts!

Okay.. to say "NO ONE" wanted them, greedy businesses and self-important government people in "Socially Engineered" states like Florida.. wanted them.

Tell me.. how does a $50 Million Dollar bridge in East BFE, FL... Help the rest of the US Citizens? How does a Recreational Park, in Bumptown, MA, help put food on the table for Joe and Jane, in Georgia?

And this money.. this "Stimulus" package, is not at ALL even similar to the one during the last administration. THAT stimulus package came in the form of an extra Tax refund that went into every Taxpayer's pockets.... (as well as pockets of people who don't pay taxes, and aren't even American Citizens)..

The fact is that WE the People.. Are helpless to stop them...... Or are we? Everyone I talk to, asks the same question.. "But what can we do about it?"....

I pondered this for a long time. There is ALOT that we can do. We've just forgotten... Or, have been told otherwise by the Media and "their" politicians.

This blog has been dead for a long time.. I have been looking at another blogging provider, but.. I'm going to revitalize this one until I can either make my own, or get one that I can put into circulation.

I've been talking about this for a while, to friends and family.. coworkers and I'm hoping to come back with a BANG!!

This crap in our country, has gone on long enough...

When a 14 year old tells me, "We're supposed to be the strongest country in the world.. People look to us all the time, even though they act like they hate us... but they don't... we're just told that they hate us."

It hits home..

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