Monday, March 2, 2009

Can a blog make a difference?

I think blogging is an important medium to get information out. Seeing the personal views and ideas of different people.

News and Press mediums, are limited by time, stories are cut short and we don't get the "Whole" story. Sometimes, they do "Special Reports" that are supposed to give us an "In Depth" approach to the story, but most of the time, even those "Special Reports" are canted toward the news agencies views and many things are left out that would have changed the view.

I like reading blogs, and I hope that as this one comes slowly back to life, I can start making a following of my own.

"Life is not a Cakewalk" is just one blog. But get blogs like "When your only tool is a Hammer"... and add them all together, you get a very large voice. The rest of the world might actually hear, and.. hopefully bypass the screwed up News and Media....

Educate the masses with Logic and Fact. Show them what the REALITY is... and not what the media want them to believe. I don't care if it is a Liberal or Conservative idea.... it has to have LOGIC and FACT to be placed here. No "My Feelings are...." crap.. YOUR Emotions don't amount to JACK!

"I feel" means that you don't KNOW... Reality can be ugly... Reality can be harsh.. but the FACT is.... its REALITY! Get over personal feelings, and stop ignoring reality.. its not going away.. if you dont address it now, it will bite you bad later down the line...

1 comment:

Cheesy said...

I love reading others opinions.. even if I don't agree. Diversity at it's finest!