Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Social medicine... Medical Industry Socialized

You hear about "Social Reform" in the News Media a few times a day. "Social Reform", is nothing but socialism packaged a different way.  Lets start with Medicine.....

So, President Obama (with puppeteers, Palosi and Reid) want to "Reform the Health Care System".

Translation: Place healthcare under government controlled entities, or Direct government control.

"Socialized Medicine": Higher Taxes, No choices in doctors, 

Results of "Socialized Medicine":   You will get fewer people wanting to become doctors, and subsequently, the quality of the health care will deminish as well as the time it takes to be seen for certain ailments will take much longer.  

Don't have to agree with me on this..  Look it up for yourself. In the entire free world, more Medical Advancements and Medical Technologies happen in countries WITHOUT a social medicine program.

Why is that?   My thoughts are because with developing a procedure or a technique, or a new technology.. Doctor's and Scientests create noteriety and advance their standing in the medical community.   Under a socialized medicine program, there is no insentive to be better, to do better, to come up with new ways and better tools.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tea Parties and Taxes

The original "Boston Tea Party" was a protest against the "Tea Tax" from people that were tired of all the various Taxes levied on the colonists.

"No Taxation, without representation" was thier cry.

The problem today is that our representation is filling their own coffers and pockets. Disregarding the rest of us and not representing our needs.

They dictate what they want, and we let them.

They decide what to do with our tax dollars.

They control us.

Our lives are more and more being governed and we will soon be losing more of our rights.

Be prepared, to lose the money you earn with all the hard work you do.
Be prepared, to lose your jobs to illegal immigrants.
Be prepared, to lose the ability to send your kids to college.

But also to lose, your right to bare arms... against enemies, foreign and domestic.
Your right to free speech.
Your right to privacy.

Slowly, and mostly without you even realizing it.. you will "Voluntarily" give away those things that so many have fought and died for... The things we take for granted.

You... and the REST of us.. can do something. Localize and help bring up a "Tea Party".. The vocal minority, along with the Press and Media, have to be stopped.

The poor puppet, President Obama, must have his strings cut, from the Nancy Polosi's, and Harry Reid's...

We have to get our country back.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Talk to Terrorists?

Is it true?

Is our president going to talk to the Terrorists?

Did he forget what he said during his Inauguration?

I haven't yet heard him say it, but I am away from the TV alot, and only hear other people make comments on this. And so far.. none of them have been nice at all.

Why would he go back on his word? Are the Democrats pushing him to? What motivates someone to talk to the type of people, that only want to destroy us and others that don't believe in some radical view?

I don't care if you are muslim, jewish, protestant or catholic.., but if you are a RADICAL of those religions... My gun sights are on you. Radicals, regardless of religion, need to be expunged. I don't mean "talk them out", I mean, complete devastation. Total wipeout.

Radicalism, is an excuse to do bad things to other people. If you don't conform to them, they kill you. Well, I am not saying conform or reform the radicals.. I am saying kill them outright.

Its may sound terrible, or hypocritical, but its not. If you do not fight against Radicalism, it will overwhelm and destroy those that are pursuing the true religions ( as I said, regardless of religion, they are holding faithfully to their beliefs ).

But if President Obama, is saying he wants to talk to these "fundamentalists".... I say talk with the right tool..... A Barrett 0.50 Caliber Sniper Rifle...

So what if you take one out, and 3 more take his place..... You've got enough ammo to take those 3 out too... and soon.. none of those Fundys, will want to take up that flag..

Peace is only a state of mind.. You will never achieve it.. You cannot CREATE Utopia.. It has to happen on its own. The only thing you can do is, protect yourselves, your neighbors, your family and make it difficult for those to hurt you and yours.

I hope the president stops listening to those Nancy Palossi or Harry Reids... And grows a backbone and stands up for Americans... We need hope.. We need our lives back..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lets talk about...

Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate "Chaos".....

Daryl Hanna was on Fox News this morning, having been to a protest on the use of fossil fuels, namely "Clean Coal"..

She made mention of Climate Chaos, because using the term Global Warming, isn't accurate... I personally don't care what she thinks. She's still an airheaded "Joiner". Instead of protesting AGAINST Clean Coal.. why not protest FOR cleaner fuels and renewable energy? The whole idea is to get off of the oil and other fossil fuels.. but if you spend your energy and time Protesting AGAINST them, and not PROMOTING the stuff you want.. your message will get lost.

Now.. I am an advocate for the Enviroment and believe in Clean Air and better health. The difference is, the "Eco-freaks" out there, go too far in their claims stating that it is our envolvement with pollution, and CFC's and Oil, Coal.. etc..etc.. that is causing all the problems in the earth's weather...

I'm sorry, but there is NOT enough FACT to their arguements... Oh, they can produce facts in a particular region, but overall, the percentage of fact they produce on the global environment, comes out to a meager 0.04% effect.

Add to that FACT, that documented measurements of weather, oceans, climate change is barely 180 years worth, and only approximately 60 years worth of any kind of accurate data to support it.

Geological, Oceanographic, Palentological and Atmospheric sciences are JUST now, starting to work together in Climatology.. So how can anyone make claims to say that one particular event, is the cause of human intervention?

Most people are "joiners".. In an attempt to prove this fact, Dihydrogen monoxide was a term used in order to see the amount of people that would make an effort to "stop" it. Dihydrogen monoxide, is the scientific term used for H2O, yes.. Water. Dihydrogen monoxide hoax Read up on that, and see exactly how baseless and stupid people really are.

Without proof, knowledge or facts, people will "join" a cause just to be visible, without any meritible ideas or logic to support it. A Person, is smart.... People.. are stupid.

The Climate is changing.. as it always has, for the past 4.5 billion years, and will continue to change for the next 4.5 billion years... The dinosaurs roamed the earth for some 180 million years. During that time, there were MANY drastic changes in our earths climate, some changes even decimated the species living during that time, (even before a big asteroid or comet hit the earth)..

In comparison, human life has only been on the earth in its current form for about 40,000 years, and evidence suggest that between 100,000 - 200,000 years for the earliest fossil record of Homo Sapiens... That still is minute in the time span of our planet. What if we do live some 100 million years more... look at what we have accomplished in our short time as it is!

Life is not a cakewalk, and its not supposed to be. To evolve, we must adapt. That means CHANGE. We cannot hold ourselves to the standards of the past, we have to move on. We must learn from the past, so we can make a better future, but not be stuck on the past. So many people are afraid of change, they hide from it, call it evil and make us believe we are wrong because we want to change it.

Our Climate is changing, because it has to.. it is supposed to.. The Sun has it's cycles, the Earth has it's cycles, and sometimes they come together at the same time which causes a change in the balance of our environment.. Those species that can adapt and change with the envoriment, will survive.. Those that cannot, will perish.

Thats REALITY... Its ugly, its harsh... Adapt to it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Can a blog make a difference?

I think blogging is an important medium to get information out. Seeing the personal views and ideas of different people.

News and Press mediums, are limited by time, stories are cut short and we don't get the "Whole" story. Sometimes, they do "Special Reports" that are supposed to give us an "In Depth" approach to the story, but most of the time, even those "Special Reports" are canted toward the news agencies views and many things are left out that would have changed the view.

I like reading blogs, and I hope that as this one comes slowly back to life, I can start making a following of my own.

"Life is not a Cakewalk" is just one blog. But get blogs like "When your only tool is a Hammer"... and add them all together, you get a very large voice. The rest of the world might actually hear, and.. hopefully bypass the screwed up News and Media....

Educate the masses with Logic and Fact. Show them what the REALITY is... and not what the media want them to believe. I don't care if it is a Liberal or Conservative idea.... it has to have LOGIC and FACT to be placed here. No "My Feelings are...." crap.. YOUR Emotions don't amount to JACK!

"I feel" means that you don't KNOW... Reality can be ugly... Reality can be harsh.. but the FACT is.... its REALITY! Get over personal feelings, and stop ignoring reality.. its not going away.. if you dont address it now, it will bite you bad later down the line...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bailout Bailout Bailout

I've been looking around the web, talking to people all over the United States, and realized something (yeah yeah.. Captain Obvious)... No one wanted these bailouts!

Okay.. to say "NO ONE" wanted them, greedy businesses and self-important government people in "Socially Engineered" states like Florida.. wanted them.

Tell me.. how does a $50 Million Dollar bridge in East BFE, FL... Help the rest of the US Citizens? How does a Recreational Park, in Bumptown, MA, help put food on the table for Joe and Jane, in Georgia?

And this money.. this "Stimulus" package, is not at ALL even similar to the one during the last administration. THAT stimulus package came in the form of an extra Tax refund that went into every Taxpayer's pockets.... (as well as pockets of people who don't pay taxes, and aren't even American Citizens)..

The fact is that WE the People.. Are helpless to stop them...... Or are we? Everyone I talk to, asks the same question.. "But what can we do about it?"....

I pondered this for a long time. There is ALOT that we can do. We've just forgotten... Or, have been told otherwise by the Media and "their" politicians.

This blog has been dead for a long time.. I have been looking at another blogging provider, but.. I'm going to revitalize this one until I can either make my own, or get one that I can put into circulation.

I've been talking about this for a while, to friends and family.. coworkers and I'm hoping to come back with a BANG!!

This crap in our country, has gone on long enough...

When a 14 year old tells me, "We're supposed to be the strongest country in the world.. People look to us all the time, even though they act like they hate us... but they don't... we're just told that they hate us."

It hits home..